I have always wondered what would become of young Solomon Islanders and if the government is seriously looking at addressing the potential hazards associated with a burgeoning youthful population with limited opportunities. Just the other day as I was driving down the main street of Honiara; I spot this startling scene. I was lucky, I had my phone with me so I quickly snapped the picture. 11AM during the day, a time when I would be expecting kids to be at school. Not this young lad, happily perched on the roof of this vehicle and without a care in the world! Ironically, the truck had come past the Kukum Traffic Station – I guess the police were too busy to spot this. Driving through the crowded main street; no one blinked!
I think it goes to show our laxity which also undermines our ability to make positive changes for the Solomon Islands. Yes, I am talking about Solomon Islanders. We fail to accept that there are rules and the rules are there so that we can do things properly.
Another case in point; on my way to work each morning I drive past the Honiara Town Council office and just before you get onto the main street, there is a zebra crossing. Hardly anyone ever uses it. And even if they do, they run across in obvious fright. For heaven’s sake, it is a zebra crossing. But the one thing that irks me every time is when people gingerly cross in front of the vehicle without even bothering to use the zebra crossing. They risk their lives and forget that the zebra crossing is the surest way of crossing the road without being hit by an oncoming vehicle.
Again, Solomon Islanders fail to recognize little things in life that when done properly saves everyone all sorts of trouble. Until we learn to appreciate that some things are just best done according to the rules; we will always fail at trying to improve ourselves. Throw your rubbish in the bin, cross the road using zebra crossings or the overhead and underground pass, sit properly in moving vehicles and for heaven’s sake when driving on the inside lane – remember it is a fast lane. God Bless, Solomon Islands.