While dawdling in Illustrator, I decided to submit a t-shirt design to DrupalCon now currently underway in Paris, France. DrupalCon is an annual Drupal Conference for Drupal developers, managers, designers and users from all over the world. Prior to the conference proper, the organizers also put up a T-Shirt competition that invites Drupal enthusiasts all over the world to also submit their designs. So I whipped up a quick design, saved it as a jpeg file and submitted it online.
While my design attracted 56 votes, it was only rated 2.6/5. But I was pleased that that many people took the time to vote for my design. My design was simply entitled, “People” and this is my explanation:
“My design is inspired by my own cultural art as it is about my idea of Drupal. Drupal is a community of people. This is signified by the many smiling faces that form, what I hope, is recognizable as the Eiffel Tower. The assorted sizes of these faces also signifies people who represent different professions, cultures, races etc all embracing Drupal. Cultural art in the Solomon Islands relies heavily on patterns, hence the patterns that form the tower.”
This is the winning design, which I also liked.

The winning design polled 116 votes and rated 4.3/5. Obviously inspired by King Kong it does cleverly highlight the fact that Drupal will invade Paris for 5 days and hopefully make a big impression.
I certainly hope that soon enough Drupal will be able to consider applicants for their CloseTheGap Scholarships who live in this part of the world.
Probably when designers and users in this part of the world who share a passion for Drupal start making their mark in the Drupal universe, we will certainly get consideration. Because in my experience, the rest of the world sometimes happily zips past oblivious to our very existence and need for technology. It is time we make ourselves heard and participating in international conferences even simply by submitting a t-shirt design may soon draw attention to this end of the world.
Thanks Syl. I agree Pacific Islanders need to step out and stamp their marks on the global arena. Thanks for living your thoughts here.
I really like this post. As a papua new guinean reading through your post, I’m so proud of your efforts to at least reach out to stamp your mark in the global arena.