Some people will wait a lifetime before being acknowledged and be truly appreciated for what they have done. Others unfortunately pass on to the next life and we only celebrate their greatness “in loving memory”. I dare not leave my acknowledgement until too late. Here is mine written on Mother’s Day, Sunday May 13 2012 to my dear mother; Aedalyn Wini
I am my mother’s son
What were my earliest memories of mum?
I was too young, a baby; hard to remember
But she must have nursed, cuddled me
and proudly declared
I am my mother’s son
My earliest, most treasured memory
Was her warm embrace
As she sheltered me from harm’s way
She stood up for me
I am my mother’s son
Have I said thank you a thousand times and one?
Perhaps a million, billion, trillion plus one would have made her day
For someone as caring and daring as mum
She rarely gets accolades that she truly deserves
I am my mother’s son
Did I share in her sadness when I left
Or did I walk away too excited,
overwhelmed by my ill-conceived perception of “freedom” ahead
She stood and bravely waved goodbye
She waved; smiling her toothy grin
that grin we know so well
She waved until she was the only one standing
Until there was nothing to wave at
Just a vast expanse of green and fond memories of me
She was still my mother and I
I am still my mother’s son
And when I triumph, I remember
My mum will celebrate
Celebrate that I am still her son
I am my mother’s son