Every once in a while, someone pops up with an inspirational story. I am drawn to those that show determination, a lot of heart and sensibility. Over the weekend I watched the NBA playoffs as Chicago Bulls executed their game to perfection eliminating the Brooklyn Nets. There was one player who had a very inspiring story, Jimmy Butler the second year forward who has finally blossomed into a star in the absence of All-Star Luol Deng. His life-story may amaze or make you sad but I like how ESPN puts it “Pity hasn’t gotten Butler anywhere in life. Courage has”.
The highlights of Butler’s story are simple but profound. At 13, his mother showed him the door “I don’t like the look of you. You gotta go.” While most teenagers would naturally sink into despair, Butler resisted and learned how to survive. Alone!
He was an urban nomad; food and sleep came through the kindness of others and basketball was his only fort. He meets Jordan Leslie, a brash youngster and a friendship soon developed. Leslie’s family eventually took him in and raised him as their own. Reading about how Jordan’s mother welcomed Butler to her home which already had 7 other children, one can only sense how compassion won out in the end. The traits we see in this star today, should I dare say, were instilled by this amazing mother!
Butler was not given a basketball scholarship but worked on his game until Marquette picked him up. And on draft night, 2011 the Chicago Bulls picked him with their 30th pick. Many experts felt he was a project for the long term but less then two years later, Butler is making huge strides in the NBA.
When you watch Butler play, it seems like he does not care about the limelight; he simply puts his head down and plays the game, showing necessary emotion and the focus is intense. In this game I did not see him berate the referee like other “superstars” do; he accepts the decision and moves on. There are no theatrics; just what he has been doing all this time, getting up and fighting back.
One of my wife’s favorite quotes is “…when life gives you lemon, make lemonade”. May I extend that and say “when life gives you a lemon, bitter as it may be it is only short-lived.” Butler’s amazing story tells of a boy who has tasted the bitterness of life, seen the dark side of humanity but who had the courage to look beyond today; walk that long, winding road and find home.
Read his story on ESPN: Jimmy Butler finds a new home, hope
Watch the short interview: Jimmy Butler: The long, winding road