ICANN, that is the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers is once again calling for interested candidates to apply for fellowships now available for its 37th International Public Meeting to be held in Nairobi, Kenya from 7-12 March 2010. I was a fellow when ICANN first introduced this fellowship in 2007 and can vouch for its usefulness and success.
InternetNZ along with the PIP programme is offering fellowships for suitably qualified Linux users from the Pacific to participate at the annual Linux Conference normally held in Australia.
Read on for details
ICANN first started its fellowship programme in 2007. Savenaca Vocea the Asia Pacific Regional Manager of ICANN based out of Brisbane, Australia was instrumental in publicizing and also assisting 3 candidates from the Pacific to attend. Tuvalu, Fiji and Solomon Islands were represented at the meeting.
ICANN provides economy class return tickets and accommodation at designated hotels. It also provides USD500 subsistence allowance to cater for food and transport. Fellows are required to meet additional expenses not covered under the terms of the fellowship.
Details can be found here: ICANN Meeting Fellowship Programme
Applications will be accepted until 6th November 2009. If you are interested in the state of the Internet and its related infrastructure, these meetings will help you focus on the latest developments on the Internet. ICANN uses the World Bank classification of low, lower-middle, and upper-middle economies so Pacific Islanders have a high chance of securing fellowships.
The annual Linux Conference is scheduled for 18 to 23 January 2010. PIP is a great sponsor and as a former PIP Fellow to PICISOC meetings around the Pacific and New Zealand, I can also vouch for their suitability and also quality of training.
More details on the Linux Conference is available on this website www.lca.org.nz. Follow the link to Fellowships. Applications for this fellowship close on 2nd October 2009.
All the best in your application.